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What's up with specific impulse

1: What's up with Specific Impulse?

2: Disclaimer

3: The Rocket Equation

4: Specific Impulse

5: Exhaust Velocity

6: Combustion Chamber Temperature

7: Nozzle Pressure Factor

8: Combustion Chamber pressure

9: Nozzle exit pressure

10: Exhaust Gas Mass

11: RS-25 - LH2 / LOX

12: Raptor - LCH4 / LOX

13: RS-25

14: Shuttle

15: RD-180 - RP-1 / LOX

16: Link

17: RS-25

18: RIT 2X - Xenon Ion Thruster

19: Drawings by Duk, wikimedia

20: Drawings by Duk, wikimedia

21: Drawings by Duk, wikimedia

22: Drawings by Duk, wikimedia

23: Summary

24: Thanks

25: Please Subscribe